Case Studies

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Acelerex utilizes its advanced Market Decision Engine software to provide clear and robust revenue forecasts for all kinds of energy assets which, when coupled with comprehensive project pro-formas, lead to full asset valuations. This same Market Decision Engine is then applied in the Acelerex REX Energy Management System to generate and execute dispatch schedules and earn revenue in Wholesale Markets, achieve savings for behind-the-meter assets, or execute scheduled offtake contracts. 

Click here for more details. 

As the energy landscape continues to evolve, Acelerex’s Grid Analytics Software Suite provides a comprehensive platform for analyzing complex energy transition challenges and driving strategic decision-making. This state-of-the-art solution includes three sophisticated tools—Alternative Analytics (AA) for least-cost grid expansion with a load forecasting sub-module, Nodal Production Cost (NPC) for network planning and optimization, and the Stacked Services Emulator (SSE) for system operation simulation and economics. In addition, the Acelerex software has technical calculations of AC power flow, short circuit, and transient stability. Together, these tools deliver actionable insights for capacity optimization, grid expansion, system optimization, cost optimization, and financial planning.

The World Bank’s Energy Storage Program, under the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), together with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the Acelerex team released a report detailing Guidelines for Planning Solar-Plus-Storage Projects

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Acelerex has a close partnership with the Southern Research Center on developing innovative solutions for the Energy Storage market. Information on some of our joint projects can be found at the bottom of SR’s Energy Storage homepage.

Energy Storage Roadmap for the Maldives - Executive Summary

Acelerex engaged to provide an Energy Storage Roadmap Assessment for the Maldives, including training and transfer of knowledge for techniques

Submitted to the Government of Maldives, World Bank, and to the United Nations Climate Action Summit 2019

See the report now

Acelerex provided expert review prior to publication of this HBS Case.


NYSERDA Energy Storage Report

Acelerex engaged to prepare valuation and reliability of energy storage portfolio for the New York State Energy Storage Roadmap.

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“The 2,800 MW to 3,600 MW number laid out in the roadmap was the result of analysis by consulting firm Acelerex that examined system needs that can be met by energy storage in a least‐cost combination of resources as New York approaches its 50% by 2030 renewable portfolio standard target.” – Utility Dive

Contributing Author to IRENA Electricity Storage Valuation Framework.  Acelerex Alternative Analysis, Production Cost, and Stacked Services Emulator Software was used to support the advising.  

The Acelerex grid analytics software is a perfect tool for integrated resource plans and asset valuations.

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“Innolith worked with Acelerex to define use cases that can improve the application of energy storage to grid stability and efficiency. Acelerex is a specialist consulting and software company that has worked with many of the global power utilities and regions.” – Innolith