Chart of the Day: Is Virginia for Lovers and for Energy Storage?
Short Answer: Almost Surely
Short Answer: Almost Surely
Storage builds forecasted for a State if renewables plans and coal retirements happen 5 years faster.
Acelerex automation for long range forecasts.
Acelerex automation reconstructs technical signals for energy storage duty calculations.
Acelerex makes high number of nodal valuations easy such as for hybrid projects, stand alone storage, or VPP’s
Acelerex testing node for running AI and optimizers sequentially and in parallel for multi site.
Acelerex IoT for remote monitoring and control.
Acelerex software is finding energy storage expansion scenarios every week.
Acelerex Stacked Services Emulation Algorithms
Acelerex developed ELCC algorithm according to NERC methodology for analysis of capacity value of hybrid projects.
Acelerex integrated set of micro-services providing grid analytics, grid automation, and grid data services.
Acelerex automation for real time artificial intelligence predictions.