Acelerex’s Revenue Forecasting module utilizes Acelerex’s Price Forecasting and Stacked Services Dispatch modules to provide hourly or sub-hourly revenue forecasts from Wholesale Energy Markets. Market
Acelerex has integrated the REX Data Services platform into the REX Grid Automation platform to provide residential customers with actionable insights into retail energy and
Acelerex combines decades of energy experience with Acelerex Analytics and Data Services Software (ACE) and monitoring and control software (REX) to deliver robust solutions to our clients.
Acelerex Data Services Platform hosts a multitude of utility and system operator Integrated Resource Plan Datasets and makes those available through its commercially-available software.
Acelerex has developed innovative technology stacks of databases for storing power sector data for multi format, multi feed, and fast store and retrieval.
Acelerex Attracts Investment from Former CEOs of PJM Interconnection, GE Power & WaterRead More