Acelerex commercially-available Stacked Services Emulator (SSE) software utilizes energy and ancillary service price forecasts to emulate the hourly and sub-hourly dispatch of energy assets including energy storage, hybrid projects, and gensets in wholesale markets. Acelerex SSE also simulates behind-the-meter projects for retail rate optimization, utility demand response participation, and dispatch to critical load resilience. The Stacked Services Emulator provides detailed forecasts of revenue, savings, costs, and performance across multiple markets, enabling optimal project sizing and market participation.

The following components are key to the Stacked Services Emulator:
- Stacked Services Dispatch for Energy Arbitrage, Ancillary Services, Renewable Shifting, Peak Shaving, Frequency Response, and others
- Profit-Maximizing Hourly and Sub-Hourly Dispatch
- Detailed Revenues, Costs, and Profits per Service
- Project Simulation on any Market Node
- Running market simulation-ready modes with Stacked Services Emulator
- Custom overlay maps for project hunting
- Hybrid project simulations
- Multi-year revenue forecasts
- Project sizing
- Market models for NYISO, ISO-NE, PJM, ERCOT, CAISO, MISO, SPP, Chile, IESO, AESO, and more
Use Case: Optimizing Energy Storage Project Dispatch for Independent Power Producers (IPPs)
An Independent Power Producer (IPP) is evaluating the potential profitability of a standalone energy storage project across multiple energy markets. The IPP requires insights into dispatch strategies, revenue potential, and project sizing to maximize returns.
Solution Implementation:
- Profit-Maximizing Dispatch models the energy storage project’s hourly and sub-hourly operation to deliver services such as Energy Arbitrage, Ancillary Services, Renewable Shifting, and Peak Shaving. This ensures the project achieves maximum profitability.
- Stacked Services Delivery evaluates the optimal combination of services that the energy storage system can provide, balancing revenue generation across multiple market products.
- Yearly Revenues, Costs, and Profits per Service provides the IPP with a clear financial breakdown, helping to prioritize the most lucrative services.
- BESS Capacity Fading and Aging Analysis incorporates degradation effects into financial projections, ensuring realistic long-term planning.
- Market Simulation-Ready Modes enable the project to be modeled across various market nodes, including NYISO, PJM, ERCOT, and CAISO.
- Custom Overlay Maps and Project Hunting Tools identify the most profitable market locations for deploying the project.
- Hybrid Project Simulations allow the IPP to evaluate configurations such as solar + storage to enhance profitability and meet sustainability goals.
- Multi-Year Revenue Forecasts and Project Sizing Tools help the IPP optimize the scale of the energy storage project, aligning capital investment with market opportunities.
The IPP uses the Stacked Services Emulator to assess the financial and operational feasibility of their energy storage project. The emulator’s detailed dispatch modeling and financial analysis enable informed decision-making, maximizing profitability while minimizing risks.
Take your energy storage projects to the next level with Acelerex’s Stacked Services Emulator. Contact us today to unlock the full potential of your assets.