Acelerex software enables precise control of power plant operations, supporting real-time adjustments and efficiency optimization. Power Plant Controllers (PPC) are essential for managing the complex operations of modern power plants, especially those integrating renewable energy sources. They ensure that the power plant operates within grid standards, provides reliable electricity, and optimizes performance. The following components are key to a robust PPC:
- Point of Interconnection (POI) AC measurements
- Real-time controller networking
- Data Snapshots
- Protective Functions
- Event logging and reporting
- Data historization
- Control functions
- POI Power limit control
- POI Voltage control
- POI Frequency control
- Breaker/reclosure control
- BESS Project SOC control
- POI Power correction for project network losses

Use Case: Integrating a Solar Power Plant with Grid Stability Controls
Scenario: A solar power plant with an integrated Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is being connected to the grid. The plant must meet grid standards, manage energy output, and ensure reliability while compensating for internal network losses.
Solution Implementation:
- POI AC Measurements are continuously monitored to assess the power plant’s contribution to the grid. This data is critical for ensuring that the plant operates within grid standards and does not adversely affect grid stability.
- Real-Time Controller Networking ensures that all controllers within the power plant, including those managing the solar panels, inverters, and BESS, communicate seamlessly. This coordination is crucial for synchronized operations and maintaining grid compliance.
- Data Snapshots are taken at regular intervals to capture the operational status of the power plant. These snapshots provide valuable data for real-time analysis, helping operators make informed decisions.
- The PPC’s Protective Functions are programmed to automatically respond to abnormal conditions, such as grid disturbances or equipment faults. For example, if a frequency deviation is detected, the PPC may isolate certain sections of the plant to protect both the plant and the grid.
- Event Logging and Reporting records all significant events within the power plant, such as power fluctuations or equipment failures. This information is crucial for diagnostics, compliance, and continuous improvement.
- Data Historization stores historical data from the plant, enabling trend analysis and performance reviews. This data is also used to generate compliance reports for regulatory bodies.
- Control Functions within the PPC manage various aspects of the plant’s operations, including power generation, voltage regulation, and frequency control. These controls ensure that the plant operates efficiently and meets grid requirements.
- POI Power Limit Control regulates the maximum power output at the grid connection point. This is essential for preventing overloading and ensuring that the power plant complies with grid operator limits.
- POI Voltage Control adjusts voltage levels at the grid connection point to maintain stability. This control is crucial for preventing voltage fluctuations that could affect both the plant and the grid.
- POI Frequency Control manages the plant’s frequency output to ensure synchronization with the grid. This is particularly important in maintaining overall grid stability and preventing frequency-related issues.
- Breaker/Reclosure Control manages the connection and disconnection of electrical circuits within the power plant. This control is used for maintenance, fault isolation, and ensuring safety during plant operations.
- BESS Project SOC Control optimizes the State of Charge (SOC) of the Battery Energy Storage System. This control ensures that the BESS is charged and discharged at the right times to support grid stability and maximize the plant’s efficiency.
- POI Power Correction for Project Network Losses compensates for any losses within the power plant’s internal network. This ensures that the power delivered to the grid meets the expected levels, accounting for any inefficiencies or losses within the plant.
By integrating these components, the solar power plant can operate efficiently, meet grid standards, and provide reliable power to the grid while managing internal losses and supporting grid stability.
Optimize your power plant operations with Acelerex’s advanced PPC solutions. Contact us today to enhance your grid automation and control.