Acelerex has many years of experience with power supply planning for island power grids. More recently Acelerex has made contributions to the optimal sizing and economic and technical justifications for energy storage projects and renewables integration. Acelerex have expertise in solar, energy storage, floating PV, wind, wave machines, diesel technologies for planning solutions for island power supply. Acelerex is engaged with e-mobility applications of optimization of electric vehicles both two wheel and four wheel with charging stations, renewables, energy storage and distribution systems.
- Diesel Technology Expertise
- Optimization of Fuel Burn
- Spinning Reserve Cost Valuation
- Power Purchase Agreements
- Planning Reserve Margins with Renewables
- Investment Forecasting
- Rate Case and Tariff Review with Resource Change
- E-mobility pricing scenarios
- LNG vs Diesel of Fuel Oil Repowering
- Integrated Resource Plans
- Long Term Forecasts
- Policy and Regulatory Advising
- Frequency Response
- Energy Storage Stacked Services
- Renewables Planning
- Energy Efficiency and Demand Response
- Demand Forecasting
- Renewables Forecasting
- Dispatch Optimizations
Solar Plant

Diesel Plant