Acelerex’s Revenue Forecasting module utilizes Acelerex’s Price Forecasting and Stacked Services Dispatch modules to provide hourly or sub-hourly revenue forecasts from Wholesale Energy Markets. Market revenues include Capacity, Energy, and Ancillary Service market participation and are applicable short and long-term revenue forecasts which are critical for evaluating project revenues, performing asset dispatch calculations, and conducting asset valuation studies.

Key Features of the Acelerex Revenue Forecasting
- Capacity, Energy (hub & nodal), and Ancillary Service market forecasts for all US & Canadian Wholesale markets
- Multi-parallel and scalable forecast capabilities for project-specific revenue analysis
- Evaluate multiple nodes to support data-driven project decisions.
- Flexible source options for forecasting inputs:
- Acelerex Data Warehouse: Access historical energy and ancillary prices and forecasted fuel prices
- Custom Inputs: Upload user-defined profiles for tailored forecasting
- Seamless integration with the Acelerex Stacked Services Emulator (SSE) software module for Revenue Forecasting and asset valuation
Energy Price Forecasts
- Market Option: Utilize existing market data for price forecasting.
- Custom Option: Tailor price forecasts using user-defined parameters.
Ancillary Price Forecasts
- Market Option: Base forecasts on historical ancillary service market data.
- Custom Option: Customize ancillary price forecasts with user-specific inputs.
Use Case: Revenue Forecasting for Energy Storage Projects
An energy developer is planning an energy storage project and requires long-term revenue forecasts to evaluate project value and inform investment decisions.
Solution Implementation:
- Energy Price Forecasting: Use the market option to predict hourly energy prices based on historical trends.
- Ancillary Price Forecasting: Customize ancillary price forecasts to account for project-specific conditions.
- Multi-Node Analysis: Evaluate multiple market nodes to identify the optimal location for project deployment.
- Custom Inputs: Upload proprietary fuel price profiles to refine forecast accuracy.
- Revenue Evaluation: Integrate forecasts with the SSE module to simulate project revenues under various scenarios.
The developer gains precise revenue insights, enabling informed site selection and investment decisions.
Why Choose Acelerex Revenue Forecasting?
Acelerex delivers scalable, accurate, and flexible revenue forecasting solutions tailored to your project’s unique requirements. Contact us to empower your project planning, valuation, and execution with actionable insights from Acelerex!