Acelerex Data Services Platform hosts a multitude of utility and system operator Integrated Resource Plan Datasets and makes those available through its commercially-available software.
IRP Datasets
- Simulations Ready Model for running Alternative Analysis, Production Cost, & Stacked Services
- Models for Utilities, Islands, States, ISOs, RTOs, and Countries
- Simulate Clean Energy Policies, No-Emission Scenarios, Renewable and Storage Expansion Plans, Asset Valuations, Operational Analysis, Microgrid Designs, and much more

Acelerex Experience with IRP Datasets
- Have reviewed many IRPs and have organized datasets from those IRPs
- Review resources technical and economic modeling and assumptions
- Review demand-side resources assumptions
- Critique demand forecasts and review assumptions
- Analyze process and assumptions used for expansion planning and resource choices
- Evaluate risk and impact of state and federal regulations
- Evaluate retirements and related assumptions
- Review and guide methods applied to achieve Renewable Portfolio Standards
- Conduct in-depth technical analysis with production cost simulations
- Assess the regulatory policies used to promote and guide IRP