
Clean Energy Asset Valuations

Acelerex is actively advising in clean energy valuations for stand alone assets and hybrid clean energy assets. We provide M&A advising, lender due diligence, project valuation, revenue simulation, Market Analysis, Financial Analysis of Settlements, and others.

Integrated Resource Plans

Acelerex provides integrated resource plans for clients that include the representation of demand response, energy efficiency, energy storage, renewables, and conventional technologies.  The methodologies are consistent with best practice of capacity optimization along with metrics that are accepted by policy and regulatory bodies.

Lenders Engineer

Acelerex provides Lenders with engineering consulting services in the following categories of Independent Engineering Reports, Battery Storage Project Valuations, Regulatory Advisory, Contract Reviews, Risk Identification and Mitigation, and Financial Modeling.

Utility Restructuring

Acelerex is a government advisor for restructuring utilities for clean energy and energy storage competitive investments.

Policy for Energy Storage

Acelerex provides advisory services for developing energy storage policy using technical and data driven processes to maximize social welfare of energy storage to provide guidance and precision to policy setting.

Electricity Market Price Forecasting

Price forecasts are prepared for clients for capacity prices, energy prices, ancillary services prices, congestion signals and others.  A macroeconomic analysis is combined with operation research methods with fundamentals models in grid dispatch and capacity optimization as well as econometric methods for forecasting future prices.

Island Power Supply Planning

Acelerex has many years of experience with power supply planning for island power grids. More recently Acelerex has made contributions to the optimal sizing and economic and technical justifications for energy storage projects and renewables integration.  Acelerex have expertise in solar, energy storage, floating PV, wind, wave machines, diesel technologies for planning solutions for island power supply. 

Non-Wires Alternatives

Acelerex are thought leaders in advising on non-wires alternatives for new utility regulation promoting distributed energy resources to reduce wires solutions needs.