
AI Prediction and Forecasting

Forecasting methods and application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for batteries and renewables in power grids with an instructor who is recognized as a leading world expert and practitioner with many years of experience with forecasting and market analysis.

Hyper Computing Node

Acelerex has achieved hyper-node computing for Acelerex jobs processer software with AI and Optimization number crunching payloads. Acelerex Hyper Computing Node Product Specs: 32 Core

BESS Commissioning and Performance Testing

Training program on de-risking battery procurements with Grid Batteries Commissioning and Performance Testing with an exciting team of instructors who are recognized as experts and practitioners with many years of experience with grid battery testing.

Microgrid Training

Insightful seminar on incorporating battery energy storage in microgrids and island grids with the instructors who are recognized as a leading world experts and practitioners with many years of experience.

Distributed Energy Resources Training

Training for Distributed Energy Resource in areas of technologies, analytics, benefit stacking, and avoided costs of central station generation, transmission, and distribution.

Grid Batteries Training

Training seminar of all things batteries taught in context of valuation, design, procurement, and operations with an instructor who is recognized as a leading world expert and practitioner with many years of experience with batteries.

Data Services Software

Data services that connect market data, operational data, weather data, and other data to AI prediction and dispatch software…